I cringed as soon as I heard the words come out of her mouth. Several years ago I was doing research for my fledgling new business. Part of the process was to interview a variety…
Why Your Goals Suck
“Your goals suck,” he flatly replied. I was deflated. A legendary Olympic archery coach had basically told me everything I wanted to achieve was hot garbage. “Why?” I protested, meekly pointing back to my handwritten…
Stop Working On Your Weaknesses
How Leaning Into Your Strengths Can Lead to Success Imagine you just graduated high school and all you’ve ever dreamed of was competing in Olympic figure skating. So much so, you rebel against your parents,…
3 Reasons Why You Have No Motivation To Go To The Gym
And what to do about it. Why does fitness motivation have to be so elusive? On Monday, you felt confident and excited about your hot yoga class. Then Tuesday rolls around and your enthusiasm for…
The art and science of staying motivated to exercise
Listen to co-founder Dennis Timpanaro on the Alpha Hippie Podcast It takes more than shakes and trendy workouts to stay in shape. The real foundation for success is motivation and mindset. So if you’re trying…